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Producent: VWR Collection
Opis: 424: Filtracja siarczków ołowiu, żelaza i srebra, węglanów alkalicznych, chromianów ołowiu, antymonu, arsenu i kadmu oraz środków spożywczych O...

Numer katalogowy: (516-0316)
Producent: VWR Collection
Opis: Low nitrogen content filters for determination of nitrogen content in steel and iron samples dissolved in acid. Filtration of fine precipitates to dis...
j.m.: 1 * 100 SZT

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: With less than 0,01% ash, Cytiva's Whatman Grade 589/1 filter papers can be used for the Blaine test in the cement industry and as an ash content tes...

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: These filter papers made from high quality cotton linters have the finest retention of all ashless filter paper grades. Grade 42 is designed for gravi...

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Cytiva's Whatman Grade 43 filters support inorganic analysis and other forms of instrumental analyses. The low ash content also makes Grade 43 appropr...

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Whatman Grade 40 high-purity filters from Cytiva's business are general-purpose papers for quantitative analysis. Grade 40 filters are suitable for a ...

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: These highly glazed filter papers made from high quality cotton linters support vacuum filtration in Büchner funnels or Hirsch funnels and enable stro...

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Cytiva's Whatman Grade 44 quantitative paper is a thin version of Grade 42 ashless paper. The thinness reduces the overall ash content, making Grade 4...

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Whatman Grade 589/3 ashless filter paper from Cytiva is particularly useful in capturing very fine particulate samples such as insoluble molecules in...

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Cytiva's Whatman Grade 540 is a high-purity, acid-treated cellulose lab filter paper. Mechanically strong Grade 540 is well suited for quantitative or...

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Whatman Grade 54 hardened low ash quantitative filter paper for Büchner funnel and Hirsch funnel filtration enables fast vacuum suction filtration for...

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Easily fits into conical funnels.

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Cytiva's Whatman Grade 41 environmental pollution papers are among the fastest filter papers in the Whatman ashless range. This gravimetric filter is ...

Numer katalogowy: (WHAT1703-050)
Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Bezpopiołowe środki filtrujące, zwiększają prędkość filtracji przez koagulację osadów lub zawiesiny, w celu wytworzenia grubej, retencyjnej warstwy '...
j.m.: 1 * 500 g

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Whatman Grade 589/2 filters from Cytiva are used in routine quantitative analyses, including analysis of aqueous suspension in paper, flour analysis,...

Producent: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Opis: Cytiva's Whatman Grade 541 acid hardened cellulose filter paper features high wet-strength, high chemical resistance, and a large nominal particle ret...

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Zapasy tego artykułu są ograniczone, ale możliwe, że jest on dostępny w pobliskim magazynie. Upewnij się, że jesteś zalogowany na stronie, aby móc sprawdzić dostępność zapasów. Jeśli call ciągle się wyświetla i potrzebujesz pomocy, zadzwoń na 58 323 82 00.
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